The ALAP has the option to supply the OTOPlug Stauts (in use/free) by a webservice, which gets pulled automatically twice a day by fibX.
The Webservice has to be a RESTfull API/Webservice, providing the data as a JSON encoded dataset
Below you will find the specification for the required payload (the order of the attributes does not have to match).
Example Service Endpoint:
Content Description (full load)
Field | Short Description | Example | Occurence | |
OTO_ID | Full OTOID without Port/Plug | String(15) | B.165.014.728.7 | 1..1 |
OTO_Port | Port/Plug on the OTO für this Fiber (Termination on Customer side) | Integer(1) | 1 | 1..1 |
OTO_Port_Status | If there is already a service on this port/plug = PLUGINUSE, if there is no service running on this port = PLUGFREE |
OTO_Port_Status_Changetime | Timestamp when the current Status will change (PLUGINUSE to PLUGFREE or PLUGFREE to PLUGINUSE) eg. When will plug be free, when will plug be in use. | String(25) – ISO8601 | 2009-01-01T12:00:00+01:00 | 0..1 |
Special Remarks
OTO_Port_Status | Comment |
PLUGFREE | fiberline is avilable (There is no service running on this OTOPort) |
PLUGINUSE | fiberline is not available (There is a service running on this OTOPort or otherwise blocked) |
Required Data-Format: UTF8 Encoded JSON Stirng